David doesn't like to see an instrument disposed of. Over the years he has accumulated numerous instruments in a variety of conditions. Ever the optimist, he hoped to repair them over time and get them back into the hands of hard working musicians. However, as time has ebbed he has come to the realization that being only one person, he could not possibly refurbish all the instruments hanging from his rafters, so he suggests…
With the admission above, David offers these worn instruments for sale to DIY musicians who may want to try their hand on a fixer upper and lovers of vintage instruments who might be willing to invest in refurbishing an older instrument and giving it a new home. (He would ask that repairs be done elsewhere as he is unable to take on these projects.)
This resource of well-worn instruments and parts may also find new life in the hands of an artist or craftsman who can use their vision and skills to embellish them as wall art or integrate them into more utilitarian items with a musical flair.
Wall Art